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    App Development in 2022Are you looking to switch your developer profile? Are you a computer science fresher who wants to be a app developer? If yes, then this article is for you. If you are starting your journey in mobile development field then please read this article carefully. This guide will help you to understand future trends in app development in 2022.


    The next is m-commerce. So you've heard of e-commerce of course is when we've turned stores into websites. M-Commerce is the idea that you can run your entire store on a mobile phone. There are a couple of reasons for that one is the idea of responsive design applications. If you have a web app that works well on your phone and your tablet and your computer then you can use your phone to a greater degree. When you're out in the store or the warehouse you don't have to carry your laptop with you.

    That's one reason why computing on the phone is growing and eventually will hopefully replace your desktop for the majority of the purpose that it needs. You've probably seen this in some of the coffee shops; you've been to where they don't even have a cash register or a point-of-sale computer. They have a tablet or they have an iPad or something like that and so that is m-computing that is running your entire business on a mobile platform. I just see that as a great way for people to save time and save money and save devices. M-computing will probably be a growth area. Consider that an opportunity if you're an app developer.

    Virtual reality

    Virtual reality has been a great thing for the future. It has always been a great thing that's going to happen in the future. Right now virtual reality pretty much stinks. This is how I see it. People get headaches. They get disgusted. It's as good as the 3d televisions were. Some years ago it was a great technology that the engineers loved and they promoted. But nobody bought them because nobody cared that their TV’s were three-dimensional and it seems to be a little bit like that right now with VR. Nobody really is buying into this even though there's a great deal of research being put into it. The potential then is amazing if we could get VR that doesn't stink then we are going to have a great view for the future.

    Right now, mobile phones like Google cardboard are pretty much dead. If you go walk through goodwill or any second-hand store or any garage sale, you're going to see all. These headsets were designed to hold mobile phones and obviously, everyone tried them and nobody liked them. So what's the current share? If you look at the actual headsets that are designed for virtual reality, for playing serious games and you plug into Xboxes or high-end computers. You're going to see that Oculus is the market leader they have about 50 of the share of all the models that are currently connected to devices. This is data here that comes from steam so we're talking about games here. They're the leader so if we can get a mobile phone to work as well as an oculus then maybe we'll have some potential there. Let's keep it in the future category for a little bit longer virtual reality may eventually become really cool and mobile application development company in bangalore will adopt it

    Augmented reality

    Augmented reality probably has a little bit better future because as you can see the applications are more advanced now. In augmented reality allow you to stay in touch with the real world. You don't have to stumble around in a headset. So the people that I work with tell me that the best experience that they have in their students and working with AR is with the Microsoft tools. Microsoft makes the holo lens and they have version 2 out. You may have seen in the recent news that the Pentagon has awarded some contract worth billions of dollars to Microsoft. Because they have this augmented reality headset that does work pretty well in comparison to the others. You can see a couple of applications. Even though you're still looking at the world around you, it's just kind of the superimposed image over your glasses.

    Here's another application of the technology that looks interesting so you go to ancient Rome. You can see some ancient ruins that are maybe half there or 90 per cent destroyed. But with an augmented reality app you could get to see what the original looked like. So you go to a museum and instead of looking at the skeleton they might show you a more realistic view of a model of the dinosaur. Right now AR is kind of quirky. It's sort of gimmicky. I don't see this as a necessary item that you have to have.

    We can still keep Augmented reality as a growing and developing technology. Google's developer website for what they currently have for augmented reality and so you can experiment with this. You can see, you can put cartoonish looking models on the street or the table and they've got plugins that work with android and unity and unreal and ios. Right now you can do the cartoony kind of a guy standing around your neighbourhood. So go ahead and experiment with this if you want to become a developer that works with augmented reality.
    whiteeolgaa Link Message Mute
    2021/12/16 15:14:03

    App Development in 2022

    App Development in 2022

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