


作品 - If

 : 201件
  • If phenomenon玖条
  • あんスタ×鬼滅クロスオーバーらくがき 颯馬きゅんとゆうむい ##あんスタ  #鬼滅の刃  #神崎颯馬  #時透無一郎  #時透有一郎  #クロスオーバー  #生存if

    ゆうくんのツンデレ具合が描いててたのしかったですw 刀鍛冶の里編楽しみ。
  • 2創作成長IFワイゼ (よく描く青い子)
    #創作 #オリキャラ
  • Dragon adoptableA dragon adoptable I made to sell on other sites. I'm only fluent in English right now.
    (Not sure if I'm entering the tags properly...)

    #dragon #fluffy #pink #blue #grey #white #wings
  • 3白夜に紛れる蝙蝠声優さんの演技も相まって、いいキャラだな~と思ってただけに、仲間になって欲しかった……!

    ##任天堂 ##ファイアーエムブレム ##ファイアーエムブレムif
    ##ゾーラ ##ゾーラ(FEif)
  • How To Add Funds In Your Wallet To Avoid Cash AppIf you have been trying many troubleshooting methodologies to get rid of Cash App Transfer Failed problems but you didn’t get the right assistance to fix it out. In such a case, you should check and ensure you have sufficient funds so that you can cover the payment you are going to send. https://www.emailsupport-contact.com/blog/cash-app-transfer-failed/seanperez
  • オリジナルペルソナキャラ その3バトルシスター





  • オリジナルペルソナキャラ その2テンプレ最高!!




  • オリジナルペルソナキャラ試しに作った。



  • How Does Cash App Help In Ordering A New Cash AppIf you have been using a damaged Cash App visa card and would like to order a new Cash App visa card, you will need to fetch the right guidance under the proper supervision of the Cash App professionals. To approach them in a hassle-free manner, you should make a call at Cash App Help phone number.
  • 子供時代(if)子供時代にもしふたりが出会っていたら、というシチュエーション。
  • 5IF ##オリキャラ ##オリジナルムム
  • むいゆう #鬼滅の刃 #むいゆう #生存if #時透無一郎 #時透有一郎
  • Benefits of having an Online Pharmacy App For yourWith the growth of the healthcare app development process each day individuals' lives are becoming easier and more comfortable. This has allowed customers to purchase medical products online from at home without difficulties. The online pharmacy app development company is also making the lives of individuals easier by providing essential medicines right at their doorstep.

    Not only for customers, technological advancement has had an impact on pharmaceutical firms to a large extent , in that these businesses now carry out multiple functions in the area of healthcare. Technology has allowed pharmacies to track medical reports of patients online, and provide instruments to monitor the security and efficacy of the drugs they prescribe as well as prescribe electronic medications and automate their handling within supply chains.

    Online pharmacy delivery applications such as PharmEasy offer features like bulk discounts and promotions to take the user experience to the highest level. According to the data published by 'Tracxn' sixty online pharmacies have been operating operations in India by delivering medications through mobile and web-based applications. So it is no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry that has an online presence will grow and grow even more in the near future.

    Let's dive deep into this topic by looking at the revenue model of pharmacies online:

    How can you earn money with App Development for Pharmacy On Demand?
    Let's see how these companies earn profits through the use of applications. There are various revenue models the companies employ, and these are described below:

    Advertising Model
    In-app advertisements are among the most popular ways to make money from an online medical supply application such as PharmEasy. This is due to how no company is able to be successful without advertising. In this way you are able to let businesses advertise their services on your website and then cost them according to their rate of clicks.

    Pharmaceutical Companies
    Hospital Chains and Brands
    Health Insurance Companies
    Pharmacy Companies
    E-Wallet Companies
    Diagnostic Companies

    Commission Based Model
    This is among the most well-known models used by the majority of pharmacies that are available online. On-demand pharmacies are an avenue for pharmaceutical companies to market their medicines and other drugs. This means that you can collect the companies you work with to market their products online using your application. You may charge on a daily or weekly basis based on the conditions in the contract. The commission percentage is to be set prior to the beginning of the business by signing an agreement.

    Model Sponsored Listings Model
    Another popular source of revenue that has been adapted by numerous online pharmacy ordering applications. In this model, customers will see products that are sponsored in the list of features offered from pharmaceutical corporations. This list is the result of shops sponsored by pharmaceutical businesses or drug stores.

    What are the advantages of E-Pharmacy Application Development Solution?
    The idea of entering the market by the use of a drug delivery application is supported by a number of important motives. To assist you we've put together an array of advantages of such apps to consider:

    Reduced Medical Wastage
    Every year, tons of drugs that are no longer used are being disposed of. Disposing of the drugs is a type of medical waste. This is a major problem since it causes a significant economic loss because many resources were devoted to the drugs that were discarded. With the help of online-demand applications, these medications and medications can be delivered directly to customers, and reduce overall waste.

    Accuracy of Medication
    The most appealing aspect of online pharmacy app development solution is that they give prescriptions with less errors and higher accuracy. Since the pharmacist is able to examine the medication online, it will be simple for him to look up the dosages and medications. It is possible to build a high level of trust from your clients if your app provides a medication management service , along with the delivery of drugs at home.

    Medical Obedience
    The apps for on-demand delivery of drugs can assist you with taking the medicine but also with scheduling the timings of your medication. You can create an appointment and the app does the rest. The majority of these apps provide packages that contain all of the drugs in them, along with timings and dosages. The user will be greatly benefitted if they take their medicine when it is needed.

    Medical Efficiency
    The advancement in technology has transformed all aspects of the marketplace, including the medical and pharmaceutical business. Thanks to the advancement of advanced technology, such as robot dispensing equipment there is a chance that errors are reduced. These apps also provide great assistance to pharmacists by letting them know the details in a clear manner. Customers also appreciate their reliability.

    With all these incredible benefits and benefits, medicine delivery app solutions has seen a huge increase in demand on the market. Some people believe that the apps don't offer any technological possibilities. This is however an assumption since the benefits are innumerable and there are lots of opportunities to be discovered. There are a variety of possibilities for how technology could be utilized in the health industry.

    Visit to know more:
  • ゆうくん(生存if) #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎
    刀鍛冶の里編アニメ化決定おめでとう! 生存ifなのでこんなゆうくんは見られませんが、ゆうくん大好きなので成長した姿を妄想しましたw←
  • 24202202自探イラスト&自探if時空ごちゃ混ぜ
    #創作 #オリジナル
  • 3Rio:if玖条
  • [2021.07.28]JR大前駅 イラスト吾妻線全通IF。特急白根が上野~長野間の輸送を担うので、どの道碓氷峠が助からないという悲劇……(´;ω;`)
    #駅ノート #オリジナル #創作 #吾妻線
  • 3 #オリジナル #創作 #ファンタジー
  • 5銀河鉄道と夜ヘレン+マニュ 闇√if  #おはなし

  • ゆうくん #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎 #生存if
  • If I could be any part of you I'd be your tears
    To be conceived in your heart, live on your cheeks and die on your lips ##original #oc
  • いいふうふの日!!すべりこみました! If 11/22 were to be translated, ... it's Married Couples' Day?
  • ゆうくんとポッキー #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎 #生存if
  • How can i check my Cash app card balance at atm?Unfortunately, the Cash app does not allow you to check your Cash app card balance at atm but you can definitely withdraw money from your Cash app balance at any atm as per the atm daily and weekly withdrawal limit. If you check your Cash app digital wallet balance at atm then it will show 0 or negative wallet. Click on the given link so that you can learn more about Cash app through our blogs and articles.

  • ハロウィン時透兄弟 #鬼滅の刃 #時透無一郎 #時透有一郎 #時透兄弟 #ハロウィン #生存if
  • Solve the Cash app Dispute issue by contacting onWant to file a Cash app Dispute for refund issues? If you are not able to get the money back from merchants then call the techies. Seek technical assistance from techies at any time of the day. The enthusiastic techies will guide you with some quick solutions for dispute related problems. https://www.cash-app-helps.net/blog/can-i-dispute-a-cash-app-payment/jamesadrsom
  • ゆうくんらくがき※生存if #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎 #生存if #らくがき
  • 10週刊もしも瑠火さんが鬼殺隊士だったら瑠火さんと槇寿郎が職場結婚だったら?の妄想から。If軸なのでキャラに独自の解釈があったり、親世代がif柱になっていたりするので、何でも許せる心の広い方向けだと思います。ほぼ捏造ですのでご注意ください。
    瑠火さん…推定16-17歳 雷の呼吸を使う。現在の階級は甲。まだ乙女ちゃん
  • Know What is eBay support department number is to ask for instant technical help

    How to resolve the eBay passwords issues? What is eBay support department number? Can I change the shipping address on eBay account? If yes then feel free to get in touch with the
    eBay tech support service as they’ll guide the users with all sorts of troubleshooting solutions. https://www.contact-customerservice.co/blog/what-is-ebay-support-department-number/
  • 3ゆうくん&むいくんお誕生日おめでとう!!2021 #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎 #時透無一郎 #誕生日 #生存if
    ゆうくんむいくんお誕生日おめでとう!! かわいい双子を好きになれて私はうれしいですb 2枚目はロゴなし、3枚目はこぼれイラスト。指はゆうくんが長男だから1、むいくんは次男なので2ですw
  • 6夏油傑 離反if 五夏漫画https://twitter.com/meigonatu ←続きはこちら。

    高専時代 五条悟、開化後の時間軸

    #呪術廻戦  #五条悟  #夏油傑  #五夏  #漫画
  • むいゆう #むいゆう #鬼滅の刃 #時透無一郎 #時透有一郎
    仲良し兄弟描きたくなりましたw むいくん意外とお兄ちゃんに距離近かったらいいな(笑)ゆうくんは生存ifです。
  • Time is tricky.It is difficult to control and easy to waste more time than you need.For example,at the beginning of a semester,you may feel that you have https://www.australiaescortspage.com plenty of time on you hands.But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out.You don't have enough time to cover all your duties,so you get worried.What is the answer?Control!
    Time is dangerous.If you don't control it,it will control you.If you don't make it work for you,it will work against you.So you must become the master of time,not its servant.As a first-year college student,time management will be your number one problem.
  • ゆうくん #鬼滅の刃 #時透有一郎 #生存if
  • A small Arcadia for Ladybugs part2She brings "color" to me.
    It seems to clearly determine the arrival of spring in my days, which fluctuate due to the difference in temperature.
    If the inorganic "it" is allowed to be named "Arcadia" because of her sentiment, I would be asking her for her reliance.

    #イラスト  #Illustration
    #drawing #サボテン  #てんとう虫
  • If I can't die then the only thing I can do is livecarcarchu
  • 五「今日午後から自習ね」虎「え、なんで?」伏「その服装なんなんですか」五「デートいくんだもん」釘「はあ?だれと?」※夏教師ifhemuchi
  • 3暗部ifスレナルも好き。
    Banned screenshots of all content in my account.
    Reprint and copy and use and so on prohibited.
    Do not repost.
  • 4教えてくれないかショタさくの記念に織福ssです!社長が乱さんと織を引き取っていたら……というif設定のお話です。織福要素は薄めかもしれません。依然書いた『遠い日の約束』 の前のような後のような話ですがふんわり読んでいただければ幸いです。 #織福石榴