


作品 - OR OR にじさんじ OR OR OR メギド72

 : 580件
  • 16【漫画】思い出せ、お前の魂の片腕をメインストーリー9章4節を受け、キレ散らかして描いた漫画です。

    ##メギド72_魔獅子とか ##漫画
    YUYAKE Ver.3.0
  • 9【シリーズ】推しと推しのバッティングシャベールくんが魔獅子の傭兵団とバッティングした回の落書きです。

    ##メギド72_魔獅子とか ##メギド72_二魂一体 ##漫画
    YUYAKE Ver.3.0
  • 9【漫画】責任蒐集イベ復刻に寄せた漫画です。

    ##メギド72_二魂一体 ##漫画
    YUYAKE Ver.3.0
  • 4メギドlog #メギド72
  • 72しばらく前に毎日1メギドずつ線画描いてたもの祖メギドぶんです。
  • 2オリジナル動画¦end or forever 0章 前編💎白い世界の中で「描く」能力を持つクロネコと、「消す」能力を持つシロネコの物語。二人は今日も同じ場所で想う。

    本編動画 ⇨ https://youtu.be/HjEF6GWaflg
    次    ⇨ https://galleria.emotionflow.com/43930/624449.html

    ✦オリジナルゲーム風動画「 end or forever 」¦00 白い世界の章・前編

    ✦『end or forever』HP / https://reisetu.wixsite.com/index/end
    ✦ twitter/ https://twitter.com/nkk_rist
    動画制作 ねここ。

    #オリジナル #創作
  • 6DOAシリーズ まとめDOA(DEAD OR ALIVE)シリーズもの、HP立ち上げ当時はよく描いてました。
    当時は、X-BOX Liveの通信対戦で勝ち負け強さにはこだわらず、ひたすらに回転することだけに心血注いで、忍法「転☆娘」と名乗ったもんです…w

    #DOA #DEAD OR ALIVE #デッド・オア・アライブ #あやね #かすみ #ヒトミ #過去絵を晒す
  • 6版権過去絵まとめ #メギド72kinokobomb
  • 30無断転載やめろ素材傷心慰めるために無断転載禁止系素材こさえたんですけど宜しかったらどうすか。

    形態: ##語りor小ネタ ##まとめ・シリーズ等  ##お気に入り作品
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • 12手ブロでの節操ないまとめ2020年のとか最近のとか。

    形態: ##手書きブログ  ##語りor小ネタ  ##別絵柄
    キャラ: ##[人物]Kさん  ##[人物]R  ##[人物]B  ##[人物]Kn  ##[人物]ナッちゃん
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • Benefits of having an Online Pharmacy App For yourWith the growth of the healthcare app development process each day individuals' lives are becoming easier and more comfortable. This has allowed customers to purchase medical products online from at home without difficulties. The online pharmacy app development company is also making the lives of individuals easier by providing essential medicines right at their doorstep.

    Not only for customers, technological advancement has had an impact on pharmaceutical firms to a large extent , in that these businesses now carry out multiple functions in the area of healthcare. Technology has allowed pharmacies to track medical reports of patients online, and provide instruments to monitor the security and efficacy of the drugs they prescribe as well as prescribe electronic medications and automate their handling within supply chains.

    Online pharmacy delivery applications such as PharmEasy offer features like bulk discounts and promotions to take the user experience to the highest level. According to the data published by 'Tracxn' sixty online pharmacies have been operating operations in India by delivering medications through mobile and web-based applications. So it is no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry that has an online presence will grow and grow even more in the near future.

    Let's dive deep into this topic by looking at the revenue model of pharmacies online:

    How can you earn money with App Development for Pharmacy On Demand?
    Let's see how these companies earn profits through the use of applications. There are various revenue models the companies employ, and these are described below:

    Advertising Model
    In-app advertisements are among the most popular ways to make money from an online medical supply application such as PharmEasy. This is due to how no company is able to be successful without advertising. In this way you are able to let businesses advertise their services on your website and then cost them according to their rate of clicks.

    Pharmaceutical Companies
    Hospital Chains and Brands
    Health Insurance Companies
    Pharmacy Companies
    E-Wallet Companies
    Diagnostic Companies

    Commission Based Model
    This is among the most well-known models used by the majority of pharmacies that are available online. On-demand pharmacies are an avenue for pharmaceutical companies to market their medicines and other drugs. This means that you can collect the companies you work with to market their products online using your application. You may charge on a daily or weekly basis based on the conditions in the contract. The commission percentage is to be set prior to the beginning of the business by signing an agreement.

    Model Sponsored Listings Model
    Another popular source of revenue that has been adapted by numerous online pharmacy ordering applications. In this model, customers will see products that are sponsored in the list of features offered from pharmaceutical corporations. This list is the result of shops sponsored by pharmaceutical businesses or drug stores.

    What are the advantages of E-Pharmacy Application Development Solution?
    The idea of entering the market by the use of a drug delivery application is supported by a number of important motives. To assist you we've put together an array of advantages of such apps to consider:

    Reduced Medical Wastage
    Every year, tons of drugs that are no longer used are being disposed of. Disposing of the drugs is a type of medical waste. This is a major problem since it causes a significant economic loss because many resources were devoted to the drugs that were discarded. With the help of online-demand applications, these medications and medications can be delivered directly to customers, and reduce overall waste.

    Accuracy of Medication
    The most appealing aspect of online pharmacy app development solution is that they give prescriptions with less errors and higher accuracy. Since the pharmacist is able to examine the medication online, it will be simple for him to look up the dosages and medications. It is possible to build a high level of trust from your clients if your app provides a medication management service , along with the delivery of drugs at home.

    Medical Obedience
    The apps for on-demand delivery of drugs can assist you with taking the medicine but also with scheduling the timings of your medication. You can create an appointment and the app does the rest. The majority of these apps provide packages that contain all of the drugs in them, along with timings and dosages. The user will be greatly benefitted if they take their medicine when it is needed.

    Medical Efficiency
    The advancement in technology has transformed all aspects of the marketplace, including the medical and pharmaceutical business. Thanks to the advancement of advanced technology, such as robot dispensing equipment there is a chance that errors are reduced. These apps also provide great assistance to pharmacists by letting them know the details in a clear manner. Customers also appreciate their reliability.

    With all these incredible benefits and benefits, medicine delivery app solutions has seen a huge increase in demand on the market. Some people believe that the apps don't offer any technological possibilities. This is however an assumption since the benefits are innumerable and there are lots of opportunities to be discovered. There are a variety of possibilities for how technology could be utilized in the health industry.

    Visit to know more:
  • 2You can use it to do countless different things while still enjoying unlimited good times. For example, you can turn it into another female Silicone Sex Doll through disguise and makeup. Whether or not you fantasize about having sex with medical staff, educators, housekeepers, or even devout believers, at this time, dressing up your doll as a doll will satisfy you.

    #sex #sexdoll #sextoy #cheapsexdolls #wmdolls #siliconesexdoll #lovedolls #animesexdoll #tpesexdoll #adultdoll #lesbiansexdolls
  • 17馬ウムとまんじゅうがえる「丸かえる」言うてましたが、そういえば「まんじゅうがえる」が正式名称ではあった。

    形態: ##感情*喜楽・平和  ##お気に入り作品  ##語りor小ネタ  ##まとめ・シリーズ等  ##GIFアニメ  ##キャラ紹介
    キャラ: ##バウムクーヘン  ##[人物]丸かえる
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • #12星座擬人化

    占星術創作ワンドロさん(@astro_1draw)から、お題「木星 or 射手座・魚座」をお借りしました。
  • お題箱よりジズてゃ……
    #メギド72 #ジズ  #お題箱
  • 3Zoomをインストールしよう! Let's install the Zoom app!Zoom飲み会を開催するために、アプリを入れるところからスタート。それぞれの個性が光りますね〜
    They are going to have a Zoom hangout and start from installing the app. How they do it or struggle with it is quite funny to imagine..
    #ゆづゆみ #ヤツヒカ
  • メギド4周年ファンアート投稿してきました!デカチャン!!投稿したのは明るく加工したやつですがこれは加工前のものを……色塗りずっとわっかんねえ!(モラクス) #メギド72 #デカラビア高梨砂鳥
  • 6Join Evision Join Job. Evision Technoserve is an ISO 9001:2015 certified Fast-Growing and Professionally Managed IT Consulting, Manpower Outsourcing and Staffing Recruitment Company with our operation based in Pune, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow, Delhi NCR, Noida, and Ahmedabad. Evision has successfully trained and placed 15,500+ IT Fresher's and Professionals in top IT MNCs like IBM, Wipro, Infosys, HCL Technology, TCS, Tech Mahindra and many other. We provide 100% job placement guarantee, whether a candidate is from IT Background or Non-IT background, with best Placement Record to Wipro, IBM and HCL Companies.
    Web : www.evisions.co.in
    Check Our success Story: - bit.ly/3uUGPtV
  • 20【17年作】5世6世Zeさん表情テンプレ……既出じゃないよね?

    形態: ##手書きブログ  ##感情*怒哀・不穏・恥  ##お気に入り作品  ##語りor小ネタ  ##表情集
    キャラ: ##[人物]ナッちゃん  ##[人物]6世  ##[人物]チン様  ##[人物]Zeさん ##[人物]5世
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • ラーメンとライスと八重さん行きつけのラーメン屋に行った時に思いついたんで、描いてみた。まあ、真っ当な八重花桜梨ファンからすれば、「思いつくんじゃねえよ」とお叱りを受けそうなイラストではある(笑)。

    #イラスト  #ILLUSTRATION
    #ときめきメモリアル2 #ゲーム
    #八重花桜梨  #ラーメン #女の子
  • 6【11/25追加】誰得!中国語でキャラ紹介!+顔面自己採点「たった1人のためにやった」と、どべは供述しており。合ってるかどうかは知らん。

    形態: ##キャラ紹介  ##まとめ・シリーズ等  ##語りor小ネタ ##お気に入り作品
    キャラ: ##KRBL揃ってる  ##[人物]G様  ##[人物]6世  ##[人物]ナッちゃん
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • M or F or in betweenJackets are not only for men, and necklaces are not only for women.
  • How can i check my Cash app card balance at atm?Unfortunately, the Cash app does not allow you to check your Cash app card balance at atm but you can definitely withdraw money from your Cash app balance at any atm as per the atm daily and weekly withdrawal limit. If you check your Cash app digital wallet balance at atm then it will show 0 or negative wallet. Click on the given link so that you can learn more about Cash app through our blogs and articles.

  • Trick or Treat #ハロウィン
  • Happy Halloween!! 2021自キャラでハロウィン。

    🍪🍫🍰🎃Trick or Treat🎃🍭🍬🍩

    ##オリジナルイラスト #しづキャラ #オリキャラ #創作 #オリジナル #ハロウィン
  • カラフルゆえに Shave or not to shave? #ゆづゆみRiaMay1066
  • Halloween.2021.2 #オリジナル #創作 #ハロウィン
    妖精さん「Trick or treat.」
  • Halloween.2021.1 #オリジナル #創作 #ハロウィン
    魔女&デスサイス「Trick or treat.」
  • アルディアスの魔法使い




    ・クリック/タップ : 移動、決定、調べる、話しかけるなど


  • Is The $750 Cash APP Real? Where To Go For The Right Information?
    Where you ought to go in case you are one of the individuals who are looking for the right data about Is The $750 Cash APP Real or phony. Everything you can manage is to have a word with the experts who will furnish you with the right and fundamental snippet of data. https://www.7qasearch.net/blog/what-is-the-750-cash-app-real/
  • 9運び方 Lohan gets sick城下町では、傷病人が出ると皆で運んで助けてあげるのが普通です。Kisa knows how to do the 'fireman's carry' because it's common to help others who got injured or sick in his town.
  • 14㊗️『Rの描いた虎』が入選しましたこちらの【P089】になります。

    形態: ##感情*喜楽・平和  ##手書きブログ  ##お気に入り作品  ##語りor小ネタ ##別絵柄  ##新年祝画 ##自慢報告
    キャラ: ##[人物]Kさん  ##[人物]B  ##[人物]R
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • 7フリーテンプレご自由にドゾー。

    形態: ##加工・コラージュ  ##語りor小ネタ
    キャラ: ##[人物]グロピー
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • 夏が終わりそう!!!

  • 雰囲気 科学探求 ##helltaker

    A「What's the matter?」
    「Does the knot in your prosthetic hand hurt? Or did you dream of falling again?」
    L「...... It's nothing.Don't worry about it.」
  • 22pixivFACTORY作成のグッズ(笑)や感想自分用にこさえたんですけど、可愛くないですか(笑)。宜しかったらどうですか(いらん)。

    形態: ##お気に入り作品  ##まとめ・シリーズ等  ##半アナログ  ##アダルト系列  ##ドット絵  ##語りor小ネタ  ##自作グッズor本
    キャラ: ##KRBL揃ってる  ##その他キャラ  ##[人物]丸かえる  ##バウムクーヘン
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)
  • 50【版権作品まとめ】過去に描いた版権作品のまとめです。

    #イナズマイレブン #ゆめにっき #ゆめにっき派生
    #ポップンミュージック #ぷよぷよ #メギド72 #ポケモン
  • 没案ゲーム企画書用に描いたもの
  • 4バニーでボディコン2バニコン。カラバリとパンストorニーソ版、超ミニスカでローアングルなので見えちゃいますしょうがないですね。
    #オリジナル #創作 #オリキャラ #バニーガール #女の子 #ボディコン #パンスト #ニーソ #ぱんつ
  • 3イーグルエナジーどうでしょう形態: ##感情*喜楽・平和  ##手書きブログ  ##語りor小ネタ ##自慢報告  ##創作漫画
    キャラ: ##作者がいる
    どベ3(My art Do not Repost)